Top 4 Products from a Corrugated Packaging Supplier

Corrugated packaging is so much more than boxes. Fastpak Systems is a top corrugated packaging supplier we offer a wide range of corrugated packaging from multiple manufacturers. With the correct array of the four items below, you’ll have everything you need to send a safe, cost effective, and secure package anywhere in the world. Corrugated [...]

By |2025-01-22T15:35:01-04:00December 20th, 2021|Blog, packaging supplies|Comments Off on Top 4 Products from a Corrugated Packaging Supplier

Corrugated Carton Packaging: Top 3 Tools You Need

Corrugated carton packaging comes in all shapes and sizes to suit whatever it is that they intend to carry. From produce, to paper goods, and electronics, cartons can be customized to securely hold anything you sell. A well thought out packaging tool “kit” is the best way to maintain efficiency in the packaging process and [...]

By |2025-01-22T16:27:29-04:00June 23rd, 2021|Blog, packaging supplies, Tools|Comments Off on Corrugated Carton Packaging: Top 3 Tools You Need

Corrugated Packaging: It’s More than Just Boxes

Corrugated packaging can be used in many applications. Most people think of custom corrugated boxes, but there is a lot more that can be done with corrugated than just shipping boxes. Here’s an overview of why corrugated packaging can be the ideal choice, and the many ways it can be used! Benefits of Corrugated Packaging Corrugated [...]

By |2025-01-22T16:31:04-04:00May 26th, 2021|Blog, packaging supplies|Comments Off on Corrugated Packaging: It’s More than Just Boxes

How Custom Corrugated Boxes Help Your Business

Custom corrugated boxes differ slightly from standard cardboard boxes. A cardboard box is one that’s made with a single layer of paper pulp, like a cereal box. A corrugated box will have three layers. The outside layers will be flat, though thicker than a cereal box, and the inside layer will be rippled, like an [...]

By |2025-01-22T16:47:11-04:00February 12th, 2021|Blog, packaging supplies|Comments Off on How Custom Corrugated Boxes Help Your Business

Choose the Best Corrugated Packaging with a Box Crush Test

Quality matters and corrugated packaging has everything you need. Having the right box for packing and moving matters to a lot of people and businesses. The last thing they want to see happen is the box's structure fail and their items spilled all over the place. There are many kinds of boxes. They have a [...]

By |2025-01-22T17:55:52-04:00May 9th, 2019|Blog, packaging supplies|Comments Off on Choose the Best Corrugated Packaging with a Box Crush Test

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